Profil AnisaRahma

Nama Lengkap : Anisa Rahma
Nama Panggilan : Anisa
TTL : Bandung, 12 Oktober 1990
Tinggi : 164cm
Berat : 46kg
Hobby : Nyanyi, dance, gambar, melihara kucing, traveling
Makanan Fav : Onde-onde, kepiting, cheese cake, bolu ketan hitam, kebab
Angka Fav : 12, 7, 4
Warna Fav : Merah, pink, ungu
Tokoh Idola : Shinchan, Garfield, Park Bom (2NE1), Yoona (SNSD), Taeyang (BIGBANG)
Spending time : Main sama kucing, browsing, nonton dvd, jalan-jalan, makan, nyalon
Motto : Catch your dream, love what you do and do what you love. :)
Acc Twitter : @AnisaRahma_Adi


  1. Masa iya tinggi cuman 164cm ?

    1. gue SD KLS 6 aja tingginya 167 senti
      beda dikit donk sama kak anisa cuman gue lebih tinggi

  2. kak @AnisaChiBi itu emang istimewa banget deh :D
    bangga punya idola seperti ini (^_^)

  3. Hello, Anisa ... my name is Jonathan I live in Colombia Latin America. I'm Cherrybelle's fan...
    (^ _ ^) Are a group of singers spectacular, I love you.

    But you're the one I call the attention of all the girls. jejejej.... >.<

    You have a beautiful smile, sweet and humble. ^_^ Truth is that I don't Know if I've been talking with you. ... jejejej there are many Facebook with your name and your photos, So I do not know what your true profile.

    I would love to get to talk to you on occasion by chat... :) I'm also a singer, though processing... jejeje. >.< know, someday I would like to meet you in person and get to sing a duet with you ... if someday I can go to Indonesia jejejej... okay that's all.
    greetings to the other girls are the best. :D :*

  4. Kak Anisa Chibi IsssstttttiiiiimmmmeeeewwwaaaaA

  5. Imagine living like a king someday and you become as a queen and together with me to be forever!

  6. i love Anisa
    Salam INSOMNISA bandung

  7. Siiippp sempurnaa deh k'k anisah

  8. apa Ea YAn Hag Yg Hars Ku aKui
